New York City Trip

Publié le par voyagephiladelphiecsi

Last Monday, we went to New York City.


First of all we drove around Manhattan district. We stopped at Battery Park and saw the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from there. We also halted at the UNO building.

We had lunch in Central Park and walked down The Fifth Avenue. By walking we saw lots of famous buildings like Saint Patrick's Cathedral, the Empire State Building, the Rockfeller Center...

Then we had 4 hours off and the meeting place for the group was near Time Square.

 We were divided into small groups. So each group had its own program. Some students visited Soho and Greenwich Village, others went to the MoMA (the Museum of Modern Art) or walked on great avenues like Broadway. We left New York at 6pm and the whole city was illuminated, it was so impressive !

We were so exhausted on the way back but so happy of the trip.

 It was so terrific ! (That's for Bill)




                          Time Square


New-York-0756.JPG                         Rockerfeller Center


New-York-0726.JPG                         The John Lennon Memorial


New-York-0777.JPG                                                     The Hard Rock


New-York-0746.JPG                          Ella, Marion M, Marion S et Lea at Time Square

Ariane Parault-Cap and David Nasri

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<br /> So ! so ! so ! and so on... I beg that is the reason why we got so little news from our so dear kids during their so short stay in the so great city of Philly. And why they were so tired but<br /> could'nt wait to tell how they loved it so over there, on the other side of the so big Ocean they flew over so slowly.<br /> Our so-teens are back, so now, so long !<br /> <br /> (en attendant que leurs correspondants apprennent à dire "trop"...)<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> What a trip! You will never forget this experience.<br /> When are you flying back?<br /> <br /> <br />